Post by Julie Chen on Aug 26, 2010 3:08:24 GMT -5
Week 6:
1) "AHHHHH GOD DAMN IT...fuckin Will pissed me off.....that little asshole is so cocky - Marvin
2) "Time for me to step it up a little and make things interesting in the house cause at this point I don't trust anyone" - Adria
3) "I hate him. I hope he gets evicted. Because, he was trying to play games with me." - Mike
4)"I defiantly want to win Power of Veto this week, to secure my safety. Perhaps I should be Veto queen this season?" - Karen
5) "I know Jase will be leaving; and I have no words to say for him." - Michael
TIEBREAKER: How many games has the producer hosted? 10
Week 9:
1) Which PoV Competition came first? A) Snag the Veto! B) This Little Piggy Won the Veto! ANSWER: A
2) Which houseguest recieved 7 votes to evict? A) Diane B) ? ANSWER: A
3) Who was the first HoH to break a tie? A) Nakomis B) Marvin ANSWER: B
4) On what day was Will evicted? A) 13 B) 15 ANSWER: A
5) Which Nomination ceremony were the names NOT in bold when handing out keys? A) Week 3 B) Week 5 ANSWER: A
TIEBREAKER: What are the ages of Julie and the Producer combined? 43
Week 10:
Julie's name is misspelled
Will's first name is now his last
the stars are yellow instead of green
The logo changed
Producer is now female
"Competitions" is misspelled
"Head of Household Competitions" have been moved to inside the house
"Head of Household" bedroom has been deleted
TIEBREAKER: In the only game Julie and Producer played together, who made it further? Producer
Week 11:
1) Did Mike walk before or after Karen? Answer: BEFORE
2) Was Cowboy's first nomination before or after Will's first nomination? ANSWER: AFTER
3) Was Adria's second HoH before or after Marvin's first HoH? Answer: AFTER
4) Did Adria win a veto before or after Will was evicted? ANSWER: BEFORE
5) Did Natalie not vote before or after Scott was evicted? ANSWER: BEFORE
6) Did Adria win both HoH and PoV before or after Marvin did? ANSWER: AFTER
7) Was Will's first nomination before or after Michael's? ANSWER: BEFORE
Final HoH part 2:
1&2 - Adria/Drew
3&4 - Cowboy(Michael)/Diane
5&6 - Mike/Karen
7&8 - Holly/Nakomis
9&10 - Marvin/Jase
11&12 - Lori/Will
13&14 - Natalie/Scott
Final HoH part 3:
1) B
2) A
3) B
4) B
5) B
6) A
7) A